Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Where does all my time go??

Where does all my time go??? 
Does anyone else never have enough time in the day?

Today the plan was to work on the new patterns scheduled for Fall release, its now late in the afternoon and I have yet to stitch one single stitch.  There was the Dr appt, then the oil change, then "quick" trip to the grocery store, then some emails and phone calls to return etc etc... 

I then remembered oh wait I need to write a new blog post... and that's where I got stuck

I honestly think when I had a full time job out of the house, 3 kids in sports and a husband deployed I got more done, how is that even possible?  I mean I am self employed, all the kids are grown and mostly out of the house - the boy is 19 and only needs me for food :-) - and the husband has retired and has a nice non traveling office job so I should have tons of free time right?

Well this obviously called for a trip to my second favorite place after the quilt shop of course - Office Depot.  One hour later with a bag full of new calendars, pens, markers and other misc supplies I am ready to get my time under control.

I have spent the last hour making lists.  Lists of current projects, projects I want to do, projects I have to do, up coming trips, and the lists just keep going. That then sent me to browsing the internet and looking at patterns from some other designers and adding more projects to my wish list.

Okay I give up on this time management thing obviously I am no good at it, so I am going to go do something I am good at - SEW!  💕

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